Connect with Car Enthusiasts

Advertise with us by becoming a sponsor.

Get your brand in front of thousands of highly engaged automotive enthusiasts. We have packages and programs to suit every budget.

Sponsor Requirements:

All prospective sponsors are subject to review to ensure they are a fit for out audience and community. We prioritize automotive industry sponsors, but are open to any product, service or industry we feel our audience will find interest in.

Become a Sponsor Today!

To set up your sponsorship with DRVN Culture please email [email protected] and specify which package you are interested in.

Rates below are based on the current subscriber count. Prices are subject to change as our audience increases.

Sponsorship Packages

Title Sponsor

Monthly subscription: $500/mo

Primary placement of sponsor message and link of choice

  • “Sponsored by” link prominently displayed on:

    • Home page

    • Landing page

    • Top of newsletters and articles (excl. Sponsored Articles)

  • 1 Sponsored Article that will be pinned to our Featured section

  • Additional articles are $150 each. Max 4 per month.

Sponsored Article

1 time fee: $200

We will write and publish a high quality SEO optimized article tailored to your messaging objectives, link to it in an issue of the Daily DRVN newsletter, and post it to all of our social channels. Sponsored articles will be tagged and labeled as such.

4 slots available per month, not including title sponsor.

Featured Automotive Brand

Get your apparel, parts, accessories, or retail brand featured in our newsletter with a link to your website, socials and up to 4 products.

This service is currently free to applicable participants. We will be very discerning to only offer these features to brands we feel our audience will appreciate.

Sponsored Column Mention

1 time fee: $50

Monthly - Minimum of 10 placements: $400 (20% savings)

Feature a link to a page of your choice in the “Newsletter Sponsors” section of the Daily DRVN newsletter.

4 slots available per newsletter

Newsletter Display Ad

1 time fee: $100

A banner image or page link added midway through our daily newsletter.

Footer Placement Sponsor

Monthly subscription: $100

Perfect for building SEO links. This consists of your business name, hyperlinked to a URL of your choice.

5 per newsletter